The importance of maintaining fire extinguishers:

Why is it so important to maintain your fire extinguisher?  Most people don’t think that an emergency will happen to them.  It always happens to the other guy.  The truth is, we are all susceptible to accidents and emergencies whether we think so or not.  We always need to be prepared. Fire extinguishers are not only used in your home or business, they are used for emergencies that happen outside your home or business such as car fires, another building catching on fire or a garbage or dumpster fire.  Therefore, we need to keep our fire extinguishers inspected and ready to go.  Just think, if you really needed your fire extinguisher and it didn’t work?  There could be devastation. Fire extinguishers shall be serviced on an annual basis per the Florida State Fire marshal.

Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection and Certification?

When your fire extinguisher is inspected it is checked for the correct pressure and that it has enough chemical to put out a fire.  Other things that the fire extinguisher is checked for is bugs or nests growing inside the hose.  These obstructions can cause the extinguisher to malfunction.  We also make sure that the fire extinguisher is hanging on the correct hook.  If your extinguisher is on the wrong hook it can fall on someone’s.  Think about a little kid standing there playing with a fire extinguisher mounted on the wall.  If the fire extinguisher is not on the correct mounting bracket, the extinguisher could fall off the wall and injure that child.  The other reason to have the fire extinguisher on the correct bracket is so you can easily get it off the wall.

Importance of Maintaining Fire Extinguishers Every six years:

When your fire extinguisher turns six years old; it requires a specialized inspection.  A six-year inspection requires that fire extinguishers are taken apart, lubricated and rebuilt. The chemical is inspected and if found caked or discolored the chemical is changed out. Fire extinguishers are serviced during A six-year inspection to assure that it will still work after all those years in service.

Importance of Maintaining Fire Extinguishers Every twelve years:

During a twelve-year service, a fire extinguisher is taken apart as in a six-year-service. The only difference is that the fire extinguisher chemical is fully emptied and the fire extinguisher tank is filled with water. After the tank is filled with water it is put under pressure for thirty seconds. If the tank does not burst or bend within that thirty second pressure test, it passes and can be rebuilt and placed back into service. How do you know if this test has taken place? After a hydrostatic test, the vendor must place a circular band around the neck of the extinguisher and they must also place a sticker on the back of the extinguisher. This sticker is silver in color and indicates the date and type of service.